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To combat the myths that encourage violence toward these creatures, Duck Haven would like you to be more knowledgeable about the friendly Muscovy ducks.
Because many people feed them, Muscovy ducks are very trusting of humans and therefore susceptible to people's cruelty.
Muscovies lay as many as 20 eggs each time, usually at a rate of 1 per day.
Muscovy ducks do not carry disease. There has never been an instance of transmitted disease traced to a Muscovy.
Muscovies do not "quack." The males make a hissing sound and the females have delicate chirps or "gobbles."
Muscovies do not hurt you when they "bite." They have a rounded beak and no teeth. A finger in their beak feels like it's being tickled by a plastic knife.
Muscovy ducks are not native to the United States and are considered "exotic" rather than domestic wildlife. They are believed to have come here from South America 250 years ago.
Because muscovy duscks did not originate in the United States, the wildlife agencies do not include Muscovy ducks as native wildlife warranting protection.
Condo, apartment complex management, and homeowners association residents who feed ducks in front of their homes invite organized kills, as the ducks are viewed as nuisance wildlife.
These residents wrongly assume that because they love ducks, every resident wants to love and feed the ducks and allow them to congregate on driveways, at doorways, and in the street. This is not the case. Many people view the ducks as a nuscience
If you live on a lake in an association development or apartment complex, for the saftety of the innocent ducks,please follow the association rules.
If you must feed the ducks, feed them only on their territory, at the waterfront and away from any areas where people congragate.